The Power of Writing Your Goals


By: Shariah James

Research suggests only 8% of people who set goals actually achieve them. So, what happens to the other 92%? Well, 75% of people make it through the first week, 71% of people make it past the second week and 64% of people make it through the first month. And after 6 months, 46% of people are still actively working towards their goals. However, only 8% of those individuals will actually see their goal complete. 

So, how do you become part of the 8%? 

According to a study done by psychologist Dr. Gail Matthews, people are 42% more likely to achieve their goals if they write them down. This is related to other studies that show you remember things better when you write them down as well (think of taking notes or writing reminders). The problem is most people don’t write their goals down. They just think of them. 

Think about these 3 reasons to write your goals next time you goal set. 

Writing down goals provides clarity. Most times, when you write out your goals, you are able to understand them better. When you are able to understand them better, you can plan them out better. Knowing the right steps to take helps you execute, prioritize, and keep the main thing, the main thing.

Writing down goals provides a visual cue. Put your goals on sticky notes or note cards and place them in prominent areas where you will see them daily. The repetitiveness of seeing your goals helps you to remember them and create better habits.

Writing down your goals allows you to track your progress over time. When you are writing, break down your big goals into smaller goals. Over time, when you complete these smaller goals, “cross them off the list”. This allows you to celebrate the small wins and track your progress. This will also provide you momentum to keep going!


“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” – Robert Schuller


Write your goals down and succeed! Use our habit tracker for accountability and to track your progress over time.


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