How to Reinvent Yourself


By: Shariah James

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” – Fred DeVito


Reinvent /rēənˈvent/: change something so much that it appears to be entirely new


When people want to reinvent how others see them and how they see themselves, it’s usually because they have a desire to change their outcomes in life or they want to experience more fulfillment and purpose. Reinventing yourself takes work, mindfulness and intentionality but it will pay off. Read and apply these 5 ways to reinvent yourself and get ready to say hello to the brand new you!


1. Believe that you can and will change.

In the internationally bestselling book, Atomic Habits, author James Clear says achieving a behavior change starts by changing your identity. You have to already begin seeing yourself as who you want to become for it to turn into reality. So, before you start on this journey, believe you are already who you are becoming.


2. Set definitive goals.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible to the visible”. – Tony Robbins. Many of us have dreams and many of us have big plans but oftentimes they are too vague. It is important to set definitive goals that are clear and well defined so you can aim at your target of reinvention more accurately.


3. Follow daily routines that help you achieve your goals.

One of the most effective ways to accomplish your goals is to make them simple enough to be a part of your daily routines. You do this by making your daily routines consist of small habits that help keep you accountable on your reinvention journey. Use our 6-Month Habit Tracker to help you in this area!


4. Set yourself apart.

One of the most important things you can do is implement strong boundaries. Become so focused on your journey that people already know they cannot come to you with unproductive conversations, places or things. Limit people’s access to you, limit the distractions, concentrate on your goals and go to the next level!


5. Enjoy the process!

One of the best ways to enjoy your process is to focus on the step, not the staircase. The staircase may leave you feeling overwhelmed, but the next step is always easier to focus on and give your all to. Also, focusing on one step at a time gives you the confidence to take the next step!



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