Balancing Act: How to Live a Balanced Life


By: Shariah James

When researching the best ways to balance the complexities of life, I came up with five conclusions.    

1. Pray and ask God for more balance and direction. He is the best at ordering our next steps. He delights in every detail of our lives (Psalms 37:23-24 NLT).

2. Living balanced is not always comfortable or convenient.

3. Living balanced is continuous work. It will help to look at being balanced as a journey, not a destination.

4. Gratitude will help keep you focused on your balanced journey. Instead of saying, “I have to…”, say, “I get to…”.

5. Not being balanced opens up the door for distractions and takes you further and further away from your goals.


I wanted to share 3 videos I found on living balanced and a few notes I took from them as well. Take what you need!  


Hey Steve: The Work, Life, Love Balance - Steve Harvey

When balancing, make sure to steward the absolutes in your life first (i.e. family, relationship with God, your responsibilities, etc.)

Don’t look for comfortability when balancing.

If you want to make “balance” happen in your life - you may have to go the extra mile.


Get a Little Balance - Joyce Meyer

You don’t want too many bad days to stack on top of each other – this usually means there’s an unbalance happening. 

Some practical examples of effective balancing:

  • If you’ve been working a lot, make sure you are resting too.

  • If you’ve been binge watching TV, make sure you’ve been spending time with God too.  

  • If you’ve been spending time with friends, make sure you’ve been spending time on your goals too.

Always address being unbalanced at its onset (when it first starts). Do not wait until it is a deeply rooted problem.

How to Turn Busy into Balance - Sara Cameron x Ted Talk

Balance is a practice. 

A daily schedule that promotes balance integrates work, play and white space (little moments between task..i.e. rest, a walk, grabbing lunch with someone, meditating, reading, etc.). 

Balance is like riding a bike. It requires dynamic awareness so that you can move forward, navigate obstacles, take in the scenery and enjoy the ride. 


Thank you for reading. We’re rooting for you always! 


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