Emotional Avoidance vs Peace


By: Ray SaVonne

Dealing with difficult emotions can be uncomfortable and challenging. At times it may feel easier to ignore or suppress some emotions rather than confront them. Because of that uncomfortable feeling, many people practice emotional avoidance and mistake it for peace. 

Emotional avoidance is when you try to ignore or suppress your emotions, often leading to unresolved issues and inner turmoil. On the other hand, peace comes from a place of understanding and self-acceptance. Emotional avoidance can lead to soaring stress levels, but peace is a state of calmness and harmony where you're able to acknowledge and accept your emotions, instead of being overwhelmed by them.

For example, if something or someone is bothering you and you can’t do anything to change it/you have no control over it, and you decide to not let it overwhelm you, you have chosen peace.

On the other hand, if something or someone is bothering you and in order for that feeling to be resolved you have to do something about it and you don’t, you may be practicing emotional avoidance. This can lead to increased stress levels, anxiety, and relationship difficulties.

Remember, the key to true peace is not the absence of emotions but rather the ability to navigate them with mindfulness. It's important to address and process your emotions in order to live life to the fullest!


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