Embracing The Growing Season


By: Ray SaVonne

Life is a journey filled with seasons of growth, transformation, and change. Just as nature experiences seasons, so do our lives. As we navigate the highs and lows, it is essential to cultivate an appreciation for these transitions and not be discouraged when faced with loss or shifting interests. With change, there’s usually a new level of growth! Below are ways we can embrace and accept life's journey in our growing seasons.

1. Acknowledge the Seasons of Life:

Life is a continuous series of seasons, each with its own unique beauty and challenges. It's important to recognize that change is inevitable and that we are constantly evolving. By acknowledging this, we can develop a mindset that embraces the ups and downs of life, understanding that every season has something valuable to teach us. It’s also important to note that our growing seasons may not be in the same season(s) as our friends or family, and that’s OK! 

2. Embrace the Process of Growth:

Instead of resisting change, we can choose to embrace it as an opportunity for personal growth. Each new season brings fresh possibilities, allowing us to discover new passions, interests, and friendships. Embracing these changes with an open mind can lead to personal transformation and a richer, more fulfilling life. 

3. Cherish the Memories and Lessons:

As we journey through life, we inevitably encounter loss. Whether it's the loss of a friendship, a change in interests, or the death of a loved one, we should honor and cherish the memories and lessons from these experiences. Reflecting on the past can help us find closure, appreciate the impact of prior relationships, and carry forward the lessons learned into our new seasons. I love the saying, “in order to be elevated, you have to be separated,” which means sometimes you have to shed in order to grow. Whether that shedding is habits, people, or environments, this is a necessary step in propelling you toward where God is taking you!

4. Seek New Connections and Interests:

When faced with loss or changing interests, it can be tempting to withdraw or feel discouraged. However, it's crucial to seek out new connections and explore new interests. By embracing new relationships and hobbies, we open ourselves up to fresh perspectives, experiences, and opportunities.

5. Practice Self-Compassion and Resilience:

Navigating life's seasons can be challenging, so try to practice self-compassion and resilience during these times of transition. Be patient with yourself, allow yourself to grieve if needed, and remember that it's OK to feel a range of emotions. By nurturing your emotional well-being and building resilience, you can create great strength and determination within yourself.

Remember, every season offers an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. Your inner Kléi is only a decision away!


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