5 Outings with Friends


By: Shariah James

It’s finally the -“ber” months! You know.. Septem-ber…Octo-ber… Novem-ber… Decem-ber! I personally believe these are the best months of the year, filled with festive holiday opportunities, friends and family time! Let this list of ideas for outings with friends keep you proactive and inspire you to nurture your social interactions for the rest of the year.

1. Volunteer. 

This is a great time of the year to “do” for others. Getting together with friend(s) and volunteering can be a rewarding experience. Check into your local Regional Food Bank, Salvation Army, hospital, homeless shelter, donation center or Ronald McDonald house and maximize this opportunity to help make the holidays special for those who are not in your immediate circle.   

2. Golf.

Golf is a social sport and an opportunity to network with others. You can keep score with your friend as a friendly competition or don't keep score at all and enjoy the vibes! Precision, concentration and creative thinking are great benefits of this sport. Also, walking around the course is a good way to get some exercise in! 

3. Dance!

Pick out a new song or an old song. Learn an 8 count for nostalgia purposes or bring out the camera for a TikTok performance. Laugh, get silly and create memories!

4. Do an activity outside.

Take a walk, a hike, have lunch at the park or watch the sunset. Use this time with your friend to catch up, check in and encourage each other! I like to play fun question games (think 21 questions) with my friends to keep the conversation going. If you want to ask questions to check in with your friend, you can start with: 

How are you doing mentally?

How’s work/school going?

Is there anything else you want to talk about?

How can I be praying for you?

You can also follow up on an old conversation here...

5. Explore a new city together!

One of our favorite things to do at The Kléi is travel! We have travel e-guides to prove it. Making new plans, working towards a shared goal and creating fun and exciting memories is good for a friendship! The destination doesn’t have to be far or well known. Visit a small town or different city in your state and see the memories you can make!


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