20 Self-Care Ideas


By: Shariah James

We have so many demands and responsibilities. None of which should come at the expense of our well-being. Be intentional about making time for you. Use this list as a reference for your next self-care date. Thank us later!

1. Make rest a priority. There are different types of rest. You may need physical rest: a massage, sleep or a nap. You may need mental rest: taking a break from a task, writing down your thoughts. Another option is social rest: saying “no”, being selective who you hang out with or having alone time. Whichever rest you may need, remember that rest is a necessity, not a reward.

2. Have boundaries. This is your permission to say “no”. No is a complete sentence. You also have the option to keep it simple, give a short explanation as to why, or offer a different approach but stand your ground.

3. Make time to exercise. The benefits of movement are timeless. Exercise is directly linked to a better quality of life and longevity.

4.  Finish what you started. Do this for you. Do this because you want to be the best version of yourself. Do this because you want to show others what success looks like.

5. Practice gratitude. Practicing gratitude can reduce depression and anxiety, leading to an increase in mental and physical health.

6.  Practice positivity. Practicing positivity leads to better stress management, better problem solving and a better adaptability to change. A great rule of thumb is instead of saying “I have to (insert task)”, practice saying “I get to (insert task)”, when facing challenges of any kind.

7.  Call a friend/See a friend. We need healthy connections with others in order to thrive and exceed our potential. Nurturing important relationships builds this connection.

8.  Do nothing and do not allow yourself to feel bad about it.

9.  Travel. Take a break from your day-to-day life and travel. Option to go on a trip with close friends, a loved one, or solo to refuel yourself and fill your cup.

10.  Drink water. Drinking water has countless benefits such as better skin, a better mood, and better health.

11.  Eat healthy. Doing something as simple as eating a salad can improve your mood. Imagine what creating a lifestyle of healthful eating could do for you.

12.  Pray. Praying can be the biggest reset you needed. You can do this at any time of the day. No matter how much time you have or don’t have, you can always pray.

13.  Watch a movie. Movies are worldwide. Step into someone else’s world, allow them to make you laugh, cry or inspire you.

14.  Have a creative outlet. Allowing yourself to be creative, allows you to build confidence in yourself and your abilities.

15.  Read a book or blog. So much of what we can learn about ourselves can be learned through what others have already written.

16.  Romanticize your life. Instead of just reading, light a candle and read. Instead of just drinking water, get a nice drinking glass and make it cute! Buy yourself flowers. Do not wait on anyone to start loving the details of your life.

17.  Go to your favorite café. There’s nothing like the warm and fuzzy feeling after getting your favorite coffee, tea or refresher beverage. It feels like a win.  

18.  Get a mani & pedi. This is an easy way to keep yourself up and well groomed. When you look good, you feel good.

19.  Get a facial. We all love walking around Target. Add a $1.99 at home facial to your basket while you’re there!

20.  Take a bath. Grab the epsom salt and bubbles. Light a candle. Read a book, listen to music, or watch your current show. Do not miss this opportunity to soak, relax and reset.

Invest in YOU!


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