The Power Of Affirmations


By: Ray SaVonne

Affirmations allow us to speak positivity over our life and our future! Our thoughts and what we say out loud innately shape our reality. Studies show that practicing positive affirmations can reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance our overall well-being. Positive affirmations also build new routes in our brains for positive thoughts and alleviate negative thinking habits. By consistently practicing positive affirmations, we reprogram our subconscious mind. This boosts self-confidence and self-esteem, promotes self-love and self-awareness and manifests our goals. Below are 4 things to keep in mind when incorporating affirmations into your daily routine.

1. How to Craft Powerful Affirmations.

Focus on the present tense, use uplifting language, and infuse emotions into your affirmations to provide our psyche with positive reinforcements.

“I am”

  • example: I am wealthy. I am abundant.

“I feel”

  • example: I feel wealth. I feel abundance.

“I do” or “I do not”

  • example: I do not chase, I attract.

“I love”

  • example: I love health and abundance.

“I speak”

  • example: I speak wealth into existence.

“I see”

  • example: I see wealth and abundance all around me.

“I understand”

  • example: I understand that wealth and abundance are easy to attract.

The more we say our affirmations, the more power we give them.

2. Establishing a Daily Practice: Incorporating affirmations into your daily routine. 

There are many ways to establish positive affirmations into our schedules. Saying affirmations during meditation, journal writing, or in front of a mirror are great ways to incorporate positive self talk. You can also say affirmations to yourself here and there throughout the day (there is no limit on how many times we can encourage ourselves in a 24 hour period), but to deeply practice and achieve them, it is important to dedicate time each day. I always advise practicing affirmations early in the morning and/or before bed so it’s the first thing you intentionally think about when starting your day or the last thing on your mind before going to sleep. 

For me, I love utilizing a journal and sticky notes to write down my aspirations and speak positivity over myself. This helps me practice consistency, while uplifting myself daily. By placing sticky notes on things I use every day like my laptop and bathroom mirror, I’m allowing my subconscious mind to ingest what I see, without me having to focus continually on them. This is a very powerful tool! I encourage you to try it and see what a difference it makes for you!

3. Stick through it, even if it seems awkward at times.

Maintaining daily affirmation practices can seem awkward at first, but we have to remind ourselves of the bigger picture and why we’re saying them in the first place. There is no longer room for self-doubt or lack of self-belief! The goal here is to unlock our true potential! If we don’t uplift and believe in ourselves, then how can others? We should continuously be promoting and embracing self-compassion, while seeking to fulfill our greatest levels of self-love!

4. Embrace the journey!

Believing in ourselves can lead to incredible growth and positivity in our lives! We have to be intentional when training our minds. We’re building ourselves up from now on, not tearing ourselves down; the world does enough of that on its own!

The decision to bet on yourself is one of the biggest forms of self-love. Your inner Kléi is only a decision away!


The Kléi


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