Living with intention


By: Ray SaVonne

Living with intention can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life, as it allows us to align our actions with our values and goals. Being intentional, mindful and purposeful truly makes a difference in our day-to-day experiences. Without intention, we could encounter feelings of being lost, overwhelmed, or even disconnected from ourselves. 

I’ve found that one of the easiest ways to build a life of intention is to start by taking baby steps, and adding/building upon them as time goes on. 

One thing that's helped me over the years is making a weekly “goal intention(s) list.” This goal intention list serves as an outline for my week and encourages me to strive toward something rather than just going with the flow for days at a time. So, the first step in creating your goal intention list is writing out a list of attainable goals you want to accomplish within the week. Then add three bullet points (actions) under each goal and list how/what you can do in order to reach that specific goal.

For me, it was intentionally carving out time to spend with God, so my goal intention list looked like this:

GOAL:  Establish consistent and uninterrupted time to spend with God every day.

Action 1: Buy an old fashioned alarm clock so I won’t be tempted to reach for my phone and get distracted by notifications first thing in the morning (my phone doubled as my alarm clock).

Action 2: Wake up an hour before I usually do, so I can start the first hour of my day off with God without distractions.

Action 3: Set boundaries of unavailability to others during the time I’ve set aside so I won’t be interrupted for any reason.

By practicing intention and mindfulness, we’ll be able to make more conscious choices and live our lives with greater awareness. 

Try giving this method a try if you’re needing a boost in intentionality. A life with intention awaits you! 


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