How to Have a Successful Working Staycation


By: Ray SaVonne

A regular staycation is a vacation or time off from work where you stay at home or within your local area rather than traveling elsewhere. But, a working staycation is where you go somewhere alone to get a reset when you still have work to do.

A few years ago I was feeling like I was in a never-ending race at work. It was like I’d finish five things and see the finish line in the distance, then I’d have ten more things to do. I couldn't figure out how to get ahead and stay ahead. One day, I decided to book an Airbnb about an hour away from my house to “get away and relax.” After a few hours, I started thinking about all the work I needed to get done, so I pulled out my laptop and started working (which was the opposite of why I went in the first place). But, to my surprise, I was able to get SO much work done in such a short amount of time. I loved how many tasks I accomplished and how fulfilled I felt. It was at that moment when the idea of “the working staycation” was created. 

So, let's dive into the benefits of a working staycation and 5 steps to maximize your productivity when you do it.

1. Pick a close destination, but not too close!

A working staycation that’s done in an unfamiliar territory allows you to be more productive than you would by staying at home. By getting away, you limit the access to everyday distractions you’d normally encounter when at home.

2. Practice self-care

Use your working staycation to also focus on self-care activities that help you unwind and de-stress. Each day, you’ll want to engage in some form of self-care activity. Activities like meditation, reading, journaling, and/or taking long baths are all great ways to celebrate yourself during this time! By prioritizing your self-care, you’ll significantly reduce your stress levels and improve your overall well-being. It’s also important to create a comfortable sleeping environment and aim for 6-9 hours of sleep each night. A good night's sleep is key for increasing your energy levels, and improving your productivity!

3. Set goals and prioritize your tasks 

Staycations offer flexibility in what you do and when you do it. You can tailor your working staycation to suit your preferences, whether it involves catching up on work to-do’s, personal projects, etc. This flexibility ensures that you can make the most of your time according to your own schedule and interests. Use this time to prioritize what you want/need to complete. By accomplishing these to-do’s, you’ll reduce mental clutter, enhance your productivity, and create a sense of self-accomplishment. 

4. Create a relaxing environment

Make sure your surroundings promote relaxation. This ambiance helps reduce stress levels and improves your focus for finishing the tasks you need to complete.

-Lighting a wooden wick candle is always my go-to. A relaxing smell and a subtle crackling candle are the perfect combo that allows me to work undistracted for hours at a time.

5. Disconnect from your everyday norms

Disconnect from things that would normally distract you like social media, answering the phone, watching TV, etc. Having this break will help you recharge and focus on the work you need to accomplish.

Remember, the key to a successful working staycation reset is to prioritize productivity, self-care, and relaxation. By focusing on those those things, you'll be in a better position to enhance productivity when you return to your regular routine!

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