Internship Season


By: Ray SaVonne | Blog Topic Suggestion by Shirl Cook

Internship season is a crucial time for students and recent graduates looking to gain practical experience in their desired fields. A well-prepared approach and knowing where to find internship opportunities can significantly increase your chances of securing that internship. Use these 5 tips to prepare for your internship season:

1. Assess Your Goals and Skills

Before diving into the internship search, it is important to assess your goals and skills. Consider the following points:

  • Identify your career goals and the specific skills you want to develop.

  • Evaluate your existing skills and determine areas where you can improve.

  • Understand the type of internship experience you are seeking (paid, unpaid, remote, etc.).

2. Polish Your Résumé and Cover Letter

A well-crafted résumé and cover letter are key to making a strong impression on potential employers. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Tailor your résumé to highlight relevant skills and experiences for the particular employer you’re applying to.

  • Include any relevant coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities.

  • Write a concise and customized cover letter for each application, showcasing your enthusiasm and qualifications. Writing cover letters can get annoying, but when I worked in corporate, I was told to “only look at résumés that were submitted with a cover letter” because “those applicants tend to be hardworking and more disciplined.”  

  • Pro-Tip #1: Print out 3-5 copies of your résumé and cover letter on résumé paper and bring it to your interview.

    • This allows you to give a hard copy to the interviewer, which makes you look more prepared while leaving a memorable impression.

  • Tip #2: When crafting out/polishing your résumé, try to stray away from using commonly used “résumé descriptors” -try using these words instead:

    • Instead of “Better” use “Enhanced”

    • Instead of “Created” use “Pioneered”

    • Instead of “Used” say “Leveraged”

    • Instead of “Changed” use “Redesigned”

    • Instead of “Helped” use “Supported”

    • Instead of “Managed” use “Orchrdtrated”

    • Instead of “Assist” use “Aid”

    • Instead of “Organized” use “Assembled”

3. Build a Professional Online Presence

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is extremely helpful. Consider these steps:

  • Update (or create) your LinkedIn profile to reflect your skills, experiences, and career goals.

  • Showcase your relevant projects or work samples on platforms that align with your field of work/background, or utilize a personal website.

  • Clean up your social media profiles and ensure they present a professional image, or set your profiles to “private.”

4. Network

Networking plays a vital role in finding internship opportunities. Explore the following avenues:

  • Attend career fairs, industry events, and professional conferences.

  • Join relevant student organizations or clubs to connect with peers and professionals in your field.

  • Reach out to alumni or professionals in your network for advice and potential internship leads.

5. Utilize Internship Search Platforms

There are numerous platforms dedicated to connecting students with internship opportunities. Here are a few popular ones to explore:


  • exSTEAMe’s primary focus is to spotlight opportunities for individuals aspiring to make their mark in the dynamic world of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Their platform is dedicated to curating valuable information on grants, internships, extracurricular activities, and scholarships, providing you with the resources you need to thrive in the internship season. Be sure to bookmark their website and check back frequently! 


  • InternMatch connects people with work opportunities. They aim to help improve graduate employability outcomes. They match those who want to learn with those who want to teach. And those who want to stand out with those who want to stand up.


  • Indeed strives to put job seekers first, giving them free access to search for jobs, post their résumé, and research companies.


  • Glassdoor helps people find jobs and companies they love. They strive to make positive workplace change through employment transparency. They offer opportunities for real employees to post about their experiences with companies. This helps you get a glimpse into what life would be like when interning/working with your desired company.


  • LinkedIn is the professional networking platform where companies often post internship openings. You’re able to create a profile with your experience, post on your feed, send messages, and look for job and internship opportunities all in one place!

Although applying for internships can be overwhelming, remember, that dedication, persistence, and leveraging your network are key factors in securing a rewarding internship!

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