4 Steps To Shed Toxicity in Your Life


By: Ray SaVonne

Whether it's toxic work environments, unhealthy relationships, or stressful situations, protecting your peace should always be your number one priority. Use these 4 steps to safeguard your peace of mind.

1. Identify Toxicity

Toxicity is characterized by behaviors that make you feel unhappy, including disrespect, dishonesty, controlling behaviors and a lack of support. To protect your peace, start by identifying possible signs of toxicity in various aspects of your life. For example, if you interact with certain people and feel drained afterwards, that could be a sign of toxicity. If you have environments that you go to and you start feeling anxious, that can be a sign of a toxic environment. If you’re overwhelmed with the thought of having to go to work on Monday and it’s Saturday, that may be a sign of toxicity within your workplace. No matter the extent, you’ll want to get ahead of toxicity before it becomes your everyday norm.

2. Set Boundaries

Once you've identified toxic situations, it's time to set healthy boundaries. Clear communication and assertiveness are essential in establishing boundaries that protect your peace. You’ll want to not only inform others of your healthy boundaries, but also follow through with what you’ve said.

3. Determine the Pros and Cons

Evaluating the pros and cons of staying in (or leaving) a situation, helps you make the best decision for yourself! If you still don't have a clear answer after making your list, consider changing your perspective based on how either outcome will impact your mental health and quality of life long-term. 

4. Embrace Change

Walking away from situations that no longer serve you can be daunting. But always remember you’re doing what’s best for YOU! Embrace any change you need to make and view it as an opportunity for growth and personal development. Shedding toxicity and protecting your peace is not selfish—it's necessary. 


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