4 Habits to Start Today


By: Shariah James

What you have later is determined by what you do now. If you want peace later, meditate now. If you want to be in better shape later, workout now. If you want more knowledge later, read now. Your habits are the building blocks of your life. There are four areas in your life that you should always seek to improve or be consistent in: your morning routine, your health and wellness, your self-care and a nighttime routine. Below are lists of ways to improve in each of these areas that you can start today.

Morning Routine

Wake up 1 -3 hr before you have to be wherever you need to be that day. Waking up 1 hour before generally gives you time to get to where you need to be “on-time and ready” and waking up 3 hours before opens up time to get more things done before you have to be anywhere.

Make your bed.

Drink a glass of water.

Eat a healthy breakfast – if you want fruit in the morning, try making smoothies that you can drink on the go.

Achieve your skincare routine – start your day glowing and moisturized!

Achieve your oral hygiene, too.

Practice mindfulness – pray, read or write.

Set your intentions for the day.

Practice gratitude.

Take your vitamins.

Option to stretch, walk, run, cycle or lift in the morning.

Leave on time.

If you only had to choose 5 of these habits, which would you choose? Do not overwhelm yourself, start with those 5 habits first if you are just now building your morning routine!

Health + Wellness


Walk outside.

Make sure to eat fruits and veggies daily with your meals.


Join a run club.

Try out kickboxing.

Lift weights with your friends.

Workout with a YouTube video at home (Did you know they have dance, pilates, kickboxing and walking workout videos for FREE there?? Just bring yourself and a mat!)

Drink 3 liters of water daily.

Get 7 – 9 hours of sleep daily.


Take a bath - with epsom salt. Our bodies hold stress, baths will help relieve this stress naturally.

Talk out your problems.

Focus only on what you can control.

Practice selflessness - be flexible and open to others' opinions, thoughts and boundaries.

Maintain boundaries and set firm limits with others.

Reduce screen time.

Practice being a prompt person – this will help reduce stress later.

Read something you enjoy.

Read something that will make you better.

Listen to a podcast.

Study for a class, a skill or to get that promotion at work.

Keep yourself up – make sure your hair and nails are well groomed.  

Budget your money well.

Budget your time well.

Pray and read a devotional.

Do a face mask.

Have a slow morning once a week.

Practice positive self-talk regularly (we become our thoughts).  

Nighttime Routine

This is your chance to wind down and to alert your mind that it can stop going 100 miles an hour.

Clean your room.

Make a cup of tea.

Turn down the lights.

Take a shower.

Practice your skincare and oral routine.

Decompress by watching an episode of your favorite show or reading.

Write in your journal.

Write your to-do list for tomorrow.

Mark off all of the habits you have done that day in your habit tracker.

Set your alarms.

Plug your phone up to the charger across the room from where you sleep.

Go to sleep between 9pm – 11pm (allowing yourself to get 7-9 hours of sleep before you have to wake-up the next day).

Just like with the morning routine, if you could only perform 5 of these tasks nightly, which would you choose? Start with those 5 habits and then when you get comfortable, start to add other habits onto your already consistent habits (aka habit stacking).

Remember to always fulfill your definition of success. Your future self will thank you for it!  


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