10 Habits That Make You Attractive


By: The Kléi

What habits make you attractive? Consider these attractive habits the next time you want to leave an impression.

1. Be God-Fearing

Being God-fearing often means adhering to a set of morals, values and principles that guide our actions. This can be attractive as it offers support, social connections, and a shared sense of purpose. Being God-fearing often encourages self-reflection, self-improvement, and personal growth. It can also inspire individuals to strive for moral excellence and continuously work on becoming a better person. 

2. Maintain Consistency 

Consistency breeds trust. When someone is consistent in their words, actions, emotions and behavior, it creates a sense of dependability to others. Consistency in our emotions and emotional responses can also be attractive to people seeking stability in their relationships. When someone is consistent in their emotional expressions, it fosters a sense of safety and predictability, which can contribute to healthier and more fulfilling connections.

3. Practice Reciprocity 

Reciprocity is foundational to healthy and fulfilling relationships. When individuals engage in positive reciprocal behavior, they create a sense of balance and fairness. This fosters trust, mutual respect, and deepens the connection between individuals. Those who prioritize reciprocity show a willingness to invest in the relationship and create a harmonious dynamic. People are drawn to those who practice reciprocity because they understand the value of expressing gratitude and recognizing the efforts of others. 

4. Remain Supportive & Positive

Being positive and supportive creates a welcoming and inclusive environment, encouraging stronger connections and others to be their best selves. Think about the concept of the "ripple effect," where acts of kindness and support inspire others to do the same. This creates a chain reaction of positivity. Being positive and supportive can have a profound impact not only on us as individuals but also on the people we encounter every day. 

5. Value Reliability

Being reliable is attractive to others because it shows you can be trusted. When people know they can rely on you, it creates a sense of security and stability. Being reliable also demonstrates that you value others time and needs. This trait makes you attractive, not only in your personal relationships, but also in professional settings as it shows you value keeping your word and commitments. 

6. Have a Whole & Healed Perspective

Hurt people hurt people. People remember how you made them feel but how you make others feel starts with how you feel about yourself. Actively choose to have a whole and healed perspective when approaching various situations. Tell yourself you are not easily broken or offended, you’re able to approach situations with a calm and well-balanced mind and if need be, you can healthfully help build others up. This type of approach to life is very attractive and impactful.

7. Have a Strong Work Ethic

Having a strong work ethic shows that you can be committed, responsible and take things seriously. It also shows that you are willing to work toward goals, work through problems and still be successful. A strong work ethic can also lead to developing other excellent habits because of the consistent practice of putting your best foot forward.

8. Practice Healthy Habits  

Health is multidimensional. It is not merely the absence of sickness or disease. Health encompasses your mental, social and physical well-being. The status of your health determines the status of what you attract, but most importantly it is responsible for what you “keep” as well. The healthier your habits, the healthier your life.

9. Radiate Confidence

Confidence is attractive, it draws others in. There are very practical ways to exude confidence. Smiling portrays an approachable demeanor. Looking others in the eye when they talk, helps others to focus on you and feel more connected. Being kind, saying thank you, sorry, or please are praiseworthy habits that are attractive and alluring. Being able to voice an opinion is also very attractive. This shows you can think on a deeper level and are confident enough to stand up for your beliefs.

10. Have Your Own Developed Interests

Your interests make you unique and set apart. Explore your interests. Read books in areas where you lack knowledge. Listen to podcasts to acquire deeper understanding. Take a class to better skill yourself in your interest. The list of potential ways to develop interest goes on and on but knowing what you are interested in - matters.  

Remember, you do not chase, you attract. What you put out, is what you get back!


The Kléi 


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